Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Saphire Room

Following the same premise of the movie The Emerald Forest, David was abducted by a non-existing tribe living in his bedroom. We found him the next morning going native (figuratively and literally - a diapers was added before the picture was taken). He had climbed on his own mount Drass-Hah and painted his face with war patterns. He also adopted a new name, "gawa gawa" which means "the one with no cloths."

The similarities with the 1985 movie stopped here however (this is real life, not Hollywood). Because there is no rainforest in the bedroom, his parents were able to spot him immediately and bring him back to civilization before breakfast. David didn't particularly appreciate the "re-civilizing rite" which included wiping the diaper cream off his face and torturing him with eye drops. But now he's back to normal, aside from an occasional full stripping in the middle of the night. Let's just hope he doesn't try to grow a rainforest in his bedroom using "home made fertilizer."

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