Saturday, August 16, 2008

A historical truce

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Somerville, MA -- A truce has been signed Saturday morning between the countries of Kittyland and Babyland following intense negotiations sponsored by Momland. An exclusive video obtained by our reporters shows the top leaders of both countries shaking hands.

Trouble between the two nations have been arising for months. Some see Kittyland as the aggressor, launching its armed forces at Babyland who doesn't have any army per say. Others blame Babyland for trespassing Kittyland's borders and violating its sovereignty, forcing Kittyland to launch a counter-offensive.

A Kittyland official who requested anonymity acknowledged that Momland was a primary driver behind the truce. "Momland is a strong backer of our nation and thus enjoys tremendous political influence over our country. Our president initially was very reluctant to go to the [negotiation] table."

No one knows for sure if the truce will stand the test of time, but many experts see this as a very good sign. "This is a very good first step, a sign that both Babyland is growing up and that Kittyland is warming up to the presence of its neighbor." Still, other experts worry that some of the core issues have not been addressed, let alone resolved. One of the points of contention is indeed what Kittyland sees as Babyland's aggressive pursuit of its natural resources [the food and water bowl in the kitchen].

In the meantime, Momland officials were celebrating this historical event. A Babyland dignitary has also publicly praised the truce. "We have always wanted peace with Kittyland." Following their customs, Kittyland officials have declined to comment.

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