Saturday, March 27, 2021

2020: Pre-corona virus

2020 can be neatly broken down into BEFORE and AFTER the onset of the corona virus (aka covid-19).

The before: New glasses and a red belt test for David, Holiday party for Mary & Laurent, Winter concerts for both kids,  cub scout first aid demo at fire house, field trip at MIT for Maddy, Kung Fu demonstration for both kids, Maddy selling lots of girl scout cookies, and the LAST outside activity before the pandemic shut-down on March 15, 2020.

Looking so grown up... Jan 18, 2020
Tracelink Holiday party January 24, 2020
Red belt test-passed! Jan 25, 2020

Learning first aid at the fire house Feb 6, 2020

Learning about circuits at MIT Feb 7, 2020

Kung Fu Demonstration- March 8, 2020

Girl scout cookies waiting (still) to be given out at Mary's work March 12, 2020

Last day of "normalcy" March 15, 2020

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