Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Video sent by dpoulain

With the Easter Bunny!

Last Christmas David began to cry when we tried to get a picture of him next to Santa Claus. 4 months later he was perfectly fine sitting on a giant rabbit's lap - despite the fact that the bunny was not made out of chocolate.

This only mean one thing: David believes that Jesus wasn't born but believes he got resurrected. Either that or he thinks Santa is just a fat, shady old man.

With mommy at the park

Walking in Joseph shoes


David discovered that day a proud Easter tradition: the traditional sacrifice of the chocolate bunny (notice how he manages to keep mom at bay who shamelessly tried to eat part of the bunny).

David now is waiting for the resurrection of the chocolate bunny.

With auntie Ann

In the plane

He was not always as calm as on those pictures on to and from Ann and Joseph's (6 hours is a long flight for a baby), but he was definitely the cutest in those pics!

Monday, April 6, 2009

La folle cavale de Dédé la Grimpette

Cambridge MA - This weekend, David Poulain, a renown criminal, has committed a strings of crimes.

The first break-in happened in the bathroom on Saturday around 9am. The damage was important, the suspect fleeing with a roll of tape (see pictures #1 and #2).

The second break-in happened on the next day around the same time. This time the suspect was caught red-handed trying to steal some food from a bag (picture #3). The suspect however arrived too late, the Paternal Police Department having already moved the content to "a secure and undisclosed place" (he he...).

The last incident of the weekend occurred on Sunday around 5pm, where the suspect climbed single-handedly into his high chair (picture #4 - yes, he climbed in there by himself!). Investigators believe he used a neighborhood chair to achieve this feat.

But investigators couldn't help but notice his last two crimes are food-related. They are thus expressing concern that David's next target might be an important one: the vault of the 1st Food Bank, aka "the fridge."


Cambridge MA - Ce weekend, David Poulain, plus connu sous le nom de "Dédé la grimpette" dans le milieu, a mené une folle cavale: deux casses et une escalade spectaculaire.

Le premier casse a eu lieu le samedi vers 9h du matin dans la salle de bain. La bilan est lourd: une bande de PQ a été dérobée (voire photos #1 et #2).

Le deuxième casse a eu lieu le dimanche, toujours vers 9h du matin. Cette fois-ci, le suspect a été pris en flagrant déli de fouiller dans un paquet de biscuits apéritifs (photo #3). Le crime n'a pas payé ce coup-là, le paquet étant déjà vide - la 2e division de la police paternelle ayant pris soin de mettre le contenu "dans un endroit à l'abri de tous" (héhé).

Le dernier incident de ce weekend a été une spectaculaire escalade dimanche vers 17h de son siège à diner (photo #4 - oui, il est grimpé tout seul!), renforcant son surnom de "Dédé la Grimpette". Les enquêteurs pensent qu'il a réussi son exploit en montant d'abord sur une chaise voisine.

Mais les enquêteurs ont noté que les deux derniers incidents ont rapport à la nourriture. Ils craignent que ce criminel endurci passe à une cible bien plus importante pour son prochain casse: le coffre-fort de la 1ère Banque de la Nourriture, surnommé "le frigo" par les experts.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Inside the shower

Inside the shower
Video sent by dpoulain

One of the things he discovered in his 2nd trip to France was how fun a shower can be - specifically when opening and closing the shower doors.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The difference a year makes

From our trip to France last year (April 3rd, 2008) to the trip back this year (April 1st, 2009)

Yes, he likes climbing

With Grandpa Robert

With his grandfather however, things were a bit more physical - like the climbing of mount sofa.

1) Climb mount sofa from the Northern side (the steepest). This required the assistance of a sherpa, aka grandpa Robert.
2) Once on the top, stroll down the Southern side head first (picture #2)
3) Stop at mid-level and climb back to the top of mount sofa
4) From here, with the help of the sherpa, jump down the Northern side (picture #1)
5) Repeat
6) Go to step 5

With grandma Brigitte

During our stay in France, David stayed a bit with his grandma who tried to teach him one thing or two - not surprising from a retired teacher.

He enjoyed playing the piano, and particularly the high notes.