Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas tree

Here is Laurent helping to tie-up this year's Christmas tree to the roof of the mini-van.  This is our first year tying the tree to the roof of a car, in previous years we stuffed it into the trunk or hatch of the car.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Chuckie Cheese

We have been going to Chuckie Cheese (video arcade for kids) for several (5??) years now.  When you win a game, you get tickets ("points") that can be redeemed for prizes (note that there is a machine that counts the tickets from each visit and gives a receipt; we had ~ 30 receipts worth of tickets). 

Here is what we got for all the tickets (one for each kid):

2 plush dragons: 7,000 tickets
Lifetime of happy memories: priceless