Saturday, September 30, 2017

See how they've grown: 2017

Here are the kids at the library, quite a change since 2011(!)
(Although Maddy's love of plush animals has not changed...)

Saturday, September 9, 2017

First day of school

David is now in fourth grade, and Maddy is in second.

Friday, September 1, 2017

End of school 2016-17

Here are some pictures from the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Just posting before the new year starts:)

Spring concert:
Maddy is in the top row center in first video.  David is top row to the left in second video.

Gymnastics show:
Maddy did a routine. David did the bars, plus climbed up a rope and touched the ceiling (unfortunately wasn't able to get a good shot of that)


Annual art show-Maddy's picture

Annual art show-David's picture

Summer fun

Here are some of the other things we did this summer:

Maddy camping with the Brownies

Camp Sayre scouting event

With their new green star and orange Kung Fu belts
With French cousins Matilde and Maxonce

Mommy knitted cool penguin and kitty for David and Maddy

Feeding the birds at Biotropica

Rock artwork at the Treport

At a French circus

Arrgh, it's a pirate's life for me

Hawaiian fun

Here are some other shots from Hawaii.

view at the pool

At a Luau

"Honey I shrunk the kids..

Swimming with the dolphins

Beautiful sunset