Sunday, September 18, 2016

First day of school

David is in 3rd grade, and Maddy is in 1st.

Summer fun

Here are some videos from the camp show ("whole world in our hearts", and "best summer ever") and other fun shots.

Peacock at Southwick zoo

New "turtle" friend

Feeding the birds at the zoo

Which two should we take home??

Hanging out with a frog at Frog pond

Earning tiger and dragon patches from Kung Fu camp

Trip to Storyland

We went to Storyland (in NH) for the third time in August, and it was just as much fun as the first time.

Chatting with Cinderella in her pumpkin

Maddy makes a new feline friend

Dino alert outside of the roarosarus roller coaster

Rock climbing at Diana's baths

Learning how to forecast at the weather museum

Pictures from France

Here are some shots from trip in June.

Pretending to eat a giant churro at Treport beach

Hanging out at the mall

On the docks in Rouen

New alligator friend

Parcourse in the park

Outside a cathedral

Fun Fun Fun

Here are some random action shots.  At the end is a "nature" video of David & Maddy at the Phoenix zoo.

Clowning around at the circus
Yes, Daddy can still hold them both on his lap

Patches from Kung Fu camp

"Camel" in NJ park

"Working on their college homework at their desk"

On steps in Arizona

At Music Museum in Arizona

Daisy show

Maddy's troop performed a little show called "the missing things' (where the girls have to, you know, find the missing things).  At end of the show, the girls got their Brownie sashes

Teenager "Estelle" is searching for her lost cell phone....

Maddy "moves up" to become a Brownie

Maddy's graduation

Here is Maddy's graduation from Sr. K.  So now we've been through this 4 times (Jr. K and Sr. K for both kids).  Still moving to see them walk down the aisle to "pomp and circumstance".
At the end, Maddy sings "Bye bye butterfly" one last time with her K classmates.

Maddy in the last row, center

Maddy & Olivia

Maddy with Rosie, Delia, and Luca

School Literary show

Here are David & Maddy's contributions spring 2016:

Maddy's collage

David's 3-D 

Maddy's poem
David's poem