Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cub Scout Pinewood Derby

David started cub scouts (wolf scout) last fall. This is his first time in the finals!
(unfortunately he didn't win, but it was still exciting to compete against 15 scouts from local troops).

Waiting at the finish line (far right in the tan shirt, which is the new cub scout uniform color)

Hand shake from one of the judges

Badge for participating in the finals

Finals with the troop

Looks good enough to eat...

Kids love making their own pizzas with daddy.  Guess who made which one:

(upside down) PAC man (David) and kitty (Maddy)


The kids are both busy with gymnastics, and David just got his yellow belt in Kung Foo.

Maddy on the bars

David on the vault

David using nunchucks

David gets his yellow belt

School concerts

Here are the kids at their winter/spring concerts.

1. Maddy is in the middle of the top row singing "over the river (and through the woods)".

2. David is on the top row, second from the right singing "the orchestra song  (the video starts out fuzzy but smooths out after 10 seconds).

Maddy, the party girl

Maddy has been to quite a few of her friend's birthday parties this year.

Face-painting at Sigourney's party 

Playing air hockey at Delia's party
Little black piglet from petting zoo at Olivia's party
Annie's Arts & Crafts party


Here are some pictures from Easter.

Egg hunt at home.  They don't see the egg under the chair....

Maddy loves the Llama!
David's bag of goodies

Easter Bunny at the Cricket Club