Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chocolate for everyone!

Tonight we had dinner around Harvard Sq and finished at Finale, a restaurant specialized in dessert, where we ordered their specialty molten chocolate cake.

You will notice Maddie's innate ability to spread chocolate on her face no matter how small the amount she eats. She must get that from her paternal grandmother.

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First haircut for Madeleine

Madeleine today had her first haircut. See the comparison between picture #1 (before) and #2 (after). While we were there, David also got a haircut (I'll let you guess which picture)

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Rough world

Someone had a tough time getting up from his nap today. My heart bleeds for him. Well, not really.

Can I get all the naps I refused to take as a kid?

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Daycare pictures

David and Maddy will be starting at Peabody School in Sept (David will be in Jr. Kindergarten and Maddy will be in Pre-school).  Here are some of their class pictures from over the years at KinderCare.

Fall 2008

Summer 2009

Summer 2010

Fall 2010

Summer 2011

Summer 2012

Riding on ponies

We went back to Kimball Farms to visit the petting zoo and have more ice cream (see June 2012 for previous post).  The kids rode on horses for the first time.

Beach day!

Here the kids enjoy the afternoon at a Nahant, a local beach.