Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Playing ball at the shorehouse

Rising up

Jersey Shore

He likes to have fun, is physically fit and is as wise and impulsive as any 3-year old. But enough about Mike. Here's David "The Situation", enjoying some rides near the boardwalk.

At the shorehouse

"Helping us" water the grass

Playing nicely together (for once)

Kittyland vs. Maddyland

The geopolitical balance of power in the Cambridge region would well be upset pretty soon. That's what several international experts predict, due to the rise of Maddyland. In particular, the young nation has been known to boost its transportation capabilities, which makes it more likely to attack less protected regions of Kittyland, such as Tailistan.

More to come...

With Grandma and Grandpa Russell

With the Russell family (ctnd)

With the Russell family

At the zoo

With Grampa Robert