Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Arrr matey!

Sharing the loot

Trick or treat!

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A dinosaur has been spotted!

A dinosaur has been spotted in Cambridge for a few weeks now, whether at day or at night (picture #2)

What appears to be a lone specie specimen is related to the T-Rex (Tyranosaurus Rex). Specialists believe this particular specimen is a cross-breed between two sub-families of the T-Rex: the Tyranosaurus Toocutus Rex (Tyrannosaurus Tropmimius Rex) sub-family or the Tyranosaurus Breakballus Rex (Tyranosaurus Cassecouillus Rex)

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In the place back to Boston

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Sainte Madeleine, priez pour nous...

Madeleine's little pied-a-terre in Paris...

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With daddy's cousin's daughter

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Feeding a sheep

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On Normandy's beaches

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