Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009


(yes, that's how David pronounces it)

Crashing his first car!

That didn't take long! David crashed his first car while at the zoo (see picture #3)

Steven and Christopher better hide the keys to their cars next time we go to NJ, because otherwise their car is going DOWN!

At the zoo

Where kids of all ages can have fun on the wheel. David had fun too!

Top summit

The other day the three nations of Kittyland, Davidland and Maddyland met for a top-level summit (note: Babyland has been renamed Davidland a few months ago to avoid confusion with the newly born nation of Maddyland). The summit, organized by Momland, was considered as a success even though officials acknowledged it was not always easy to plan.

But our source, which requested anonymity, told us that this summit was also used for behind the scenes talks behind Maddyland and Kittyland. "There is nothing concrete at this point, but the talks are ongoing" we were told. Maddyland indeed approached Kittyland to strike a mutual assistance deal against. The young nation is indeed annoyed of the several careless intrusion from her bigger neighbor - something Kittyland can relate to.

Will a deal be signed? Nothing is sure yet. "Kittyland is torn. On the one hand, Davidland has learnt to mostly respect the international borders. But they are still every once in a while caught transgressing those borders, in particular in sensitive, natural resources-abundant regions such as the bathroom."

Some officials close to the matter worry that, as time goes, Maddyland might become another Davidland. This however does not seem to concern Kittyland officials. It's true that Kittyland's record archives are notoriously poor, so its government can hardly track how Maddyland's track record compares to Davidland's 2 years ago.

Grandma Brigitte

A few weeks ago Grandma Brigitte visited the whole family for a week. The competition for being the most favorite French grandparent has definitely started!

Bath time

The other day Madeleine had her first bath.

Like her older brother she hated it.
Like her older brother she screamed bloody murder the whole time.
Like her older brother she swore that, if it can be her decision, she will never ever be naked ever again.

Yeah, right!

Sunday, November 1, 2009