Friday, September 26, 2008

We created a monster!

We created a monster!
Video sent by dpoulain

He generally climbs on the table much faster - except of course in front of the camera.

Anyway, what started as an educative experiment turned awfully wrong. We created a monster, and I'm afraid there's no turning back...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First word

First word
Video sent by dpoulain

We now believe that David has learnt to pronounce his first intelligible word. The video isn't the best soundbite, but he sometimes pronounced it much more clearly (but not in front of the camera of course).

It could have been "mama" or "papa" but nooooooo!

Faites des gosses.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Birthday in NJ

Here are the pictures of the birthday celebrations from last weekend. Because there are so many of them you

And here are a few:

Hmm... cupcakes!

Cool, a new cell phone!

Gifts, yay!

(sigh) Today's youth wasting its time in front of TV!